About Us
About Us
M2M Machining is your One-Stop-Shop for complex, precision CNC Milling, Turning & 5-Axis. With two core competencies under one roof and over 60 CNC machines, we have the machinery and expertise to handle a wide range of machining for Heavy Truck, Industrial, Power Gen & Aerospace markets.
Our one focus is High Mix-Short Run, complex machining of components and billet. The second focus is cellular production of castings & forgings, with the ability to turn up to 30” diameter & 250 lbs.

Mission – Our Organizational Philosophy
We understand our long-term success depends upon the service we provide, product performance, and the ultimate success of our customers.
Our organizational philosophy is to supply a global marketplace with the most reliable and highest quality products at competitive prices, and with highly responsive lead times. This assures you of a business partner that never compromises your machined components, from prototype to production.
We strive to deliver the full resources of an innovative and proactive partner in all our product types and methods of production and supply.
M2M employs Lean Management principles and an ongoing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to minimize project cost and maximize organizational performance and timing for the benefit and savings to our customers.
From concept through precision machined, production-ready parts, we responsibly consider our impact on the environment, the communities within which we operate, and the markets that are served by our customers.
We will continue to excel by measuring and improving all our processes. We strongly believe in partnering with organizations that share our mission of operational excellence.

Corporate Vision
While laser focused on continued growth of job shop, cellular machining, and welding positioner manufacturing, M2M Machining’s corporate vision includes expanded offerings thru Organic Growth and Strategic Partnering.
Contact us at: 262-679-4600 if your organization has interest in exploring “strategic fit” potential with M2M Machining.